Jivamukti Masterclass with Yogeswari, Clare Nicholls and Monica Jaggi

Saturday May 20, 2023

10:00 – 11:45

A Masterclass focussing on Backbends and Inversions
Taught by Yogeswari, Monica Jaggi and Clare Nicholls
Many of us have never been taught to adequately and effectively communicate our needs and feelings. This often leads to painful misunderstandings and miscommunication. Backbends work energetically on opening the center of compassion (Anahata Chakra) and inversions allow the unleashing of love to flow into the speech center (Vishuddha Chakra), so we can say what we mean and mean what we say from a pure heart.
May fire nourish speech, may speech nourish heart, may heart nourish me
                                     —Taittirya Brahmana