Terms and Conditions




Please note, that if you have registered and are unable to attend personally for whatever reason, the full ticket is transferable to one other person of your choosing. Should you need to transfer your ticket, please contact us with the first and last name, email and phone number of the person attending as well as the reason you will be unable to make it.


Discount codes and offers cannot be combined.

Jivamukti Global (hereinafter also “we” or “us) is aware that international travel remains uncertain and government restrictions and travel plans may change at any time. Therefore, Jivamukti Global will always resolve to provide assistance, should you need it. Full refunds will be issued in case of Covid-related events, such as border lockdowns. Anyone planning to join from countries that may officially ban or restrict travel at short notice will receive a 100% refund on their ticket.


📸 Jivamukti Yoga Photography & Videography Release:

By attending you are agreeing to participate in a group event where you might be filmed or photographed and hereby grant Jivamukti Global permission to photograph or capture video of you.

We respect our participants privacy and will adhere to the General Data Protection Regulation regarding all processing of personal information of participants, including their pictures. We therefore provide you with the following information and options regarding photo and video publication by Jivamukti Global:

As it is not possible for us to gather express consent from all participants in written form or otherwise, we will process your picture based on presumed consent if you have not used a *no photography* sticker, that we will provide you with per your request at our check-in. this sticker is to be shown on your clothing in a visible manner during all events of the gathering, where you would not like to be photograohed/filmed.

If you would like not to be photographed during the gathering, please feel free to contact our photographers directly on site additionally. Please note that also participants themselves will be allowed to make pictures and may later share those over e. g. their social network profiles, what will not be in our responsibility. We ask our participants to be mindful regarding the privacy ofothers when taking pictures/videos at the event.

If you find yourself in a visible manner on a picture or video published by Jivamukti Global Inc. that identifies you and you are not happy to be displayed in the manner we are publishing it, we kindly ask you to contact us under @EMAIL and we will do our best to quickly remove your picture.


🧘Please bring your own mat and props for practice (there will be none to borrow on site)

💦 and your own water bottle.


🕔 Be a yogi, be on time – if you are late for a session, you might disrupt the experience for other participants.

📱 For your social media content, feel free to use the official tribe hashtags when you share content  #jivamuktitribe #jivamuktitribegathering #jivamuktitribegathering2024 #jivamuktiparisprema


Jivamukti TT special: Discounted pricing is offered to anyone who has successfully been certified by Jivamukti Yoga, upon completion of either the 75-hour foundational teacher training, or the 300-hour teacher training. The discounts offered are based on the type of certification possessed, and the values of such discounts are as communicated on the official website or mobile app used by Jivamukti Yoga for the Jivamukti Yoga Tribe Gathering 2024 event, in Paris. To obtain the discounted price, the email address used to register on the platform for the purpose of buying a ticket should coincide with the email address that was used to register for the teacher training completed. As long as this requirement is met, discounts will be automatically offered on the platform. For any further questions or concerns, please contact events@jivamuktiyoga.com


Jivamukti Yoga
The Jivamukti Method
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Jivamukti Yoga
The Jivamukti Method
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© 2023 Jivamukti Yoga All rights reserved.

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